Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Distressed Painted Table Tutorial

Hi everyone.! Here's a tutorial of a fun painting style using chalk paint.

Here's a quick recipe for chalk paint, in case you missed my previous posts on the subject.
It's the best paint recipe to use for distressed finishes and it will adhere to anything.

Chalk Paint Recipe in 5 Steps
Supplies needed: latex paint color of choice, non sanded grout (or in this case plaster of paris), water, a mixing cup and mixing stick.

                 Step 1 pour paint into mixing cup. 
 Step 2 add 2 TB of grout or plaster for every cup of paint
Step 3: Stir dry plaster and paint to incorporate
Step 4: Add 1 TB of warm water 
Step 5: Stir to combine. You want the paint to be a little thick, like sour cream consistency. 

Ok, now for the table to be painted. 
Materials gathered: Chalk paint ingredients, old candle,  scraper, mixing sticks, fine sanding block
This little beauty had some fun details that needed to be highlighted with distressing. This table has two colors of paint layered for a little extra fun. I went with a periwinkle blue for the first coat and a classic, clean white for the top.

Here's the cheater way to have an under coat peek through when you sand the top coat. I never like wasting paint or adding extra work. Instead of painting the whole table the undercoat I just use my favorite painting tool (my finger) to add dabs of color to whatever area I am going to sand and distress.
My favorite painting tool
Adding bits of blue to a few spots on the table. 
Use an old candle to add wax to the areas you want to highlight with  an under coat of color. 
Wax the top in a few places so the blue will show through. 
Paint the table white. I did two coats for coverage. 
Scrape lightly to remove wax and let the blue show through.
Then use the fine sanding block to remove a little more white.  
Here's some detail highlighted by distressing. 
The finished product. 
Lightly sand the whole table and polish with paste finishing wax for durability. 

Let a little wood show through in places for added interest. 
Hopefully this helps you save time and add some color to your next painting project!

Galeria CTR

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